ARIZONA'S RAINBOW BRIDGE, THE HIGHEST NATURAL BRIDGE IN THE WORLD At Lake Powell just minutes from the city of Page in the United States, I boarded a James Bond style launch for a two hour ride to the Rainbow Bridge.
To reach the highest natural bridge in the world - ``higher than the nation`s capitol and nearly as long as a football field`` - we turned right off the main Lake Powell waterway and slipped through impossibly narrow passageways between rock cliffs that shielded us from the sun. Then walking for a mile, we finally reached what for me was a most stirring spectacle.
At first sight, the soaring structure literally took my breath away. It was hard to imagine how something so massive could from afar appear so ethereal. The Navajo believe it to be the source of rainbows, clouds and rain.
Seeing this sacred emblem for the first time people are affected in different ways. One of our party sat on the rocks close to the arch, legs crossed in typical yoga pose, and meditated, others stood and stared, and yet others wandered back and forth marvelling at a structure that dates back 80 million years.
Photos copyright Anne Gordon
Posted on Saturday, 14th April, 2012