Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 11, 2008

Project Grow-A-Goatee

Before returning to Isla Mujeres, I thought it would be a great idea to grow a goatee!
Why not?
So here is a little photopost of my different "goatee styles" :p
Hope you enjoy the photos, please feel free to comment

Photo to the left: "Hulk Goatee" and right: the "Fidel look"

"The famous Goatee in a rubber band look"

Twisted Goatee"
And here is the little bugger... 3 months of growth, all cut off because me and my girlfriend do not enjoy hair in our mouths when we make out.. It`s a hard life, eh?

Can you grow more than me in 3 months?Almost six cm, or 2,2 inches!

And here I am, freshly shaven, happy as always! (the red mark on my neck is from my fight with the vacuum cleaner.. *cough*)

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