
This is going to be one hell of a blogpost!
There has been so much happening the last couple of months, I am almost embarrassed that I haven`t updated my blog more often! Sorry all readers!
After arriving at Isla Mujeres, things have just been fantastic! We had a good time in Guanajuato, but Isla Mujeres is more our thing!
What I love most about Isla is that it is so full of life, the beaches are wonderful, the people are friendly, there is always something happening here, and the prices are allright!
What we have been up to lately?
Well, now I really have to think a little back, as there have been so many adventures!
Since we got here, we have had a wonderful time at the beach, and exploring the island a little, we met a nice couple from San Francisco and together we went snorkelling not far from the port, the only thing was that on that particular day, the currents were a little rough, so the visibility was as I have learned to say in Mexico, «mas o menos» (more or less),we have been enjoying the good restaurants of Isla Mujeres, and went together to Cancun for a daytrip, and the following day took a look at the incredible sights of Chichen Itza's ruins. But this you can already read a lot about in my earlier posts.
After Aman & Susan went back to «Frisco» we had a few days here alone again before we were supposed to meet Elin & Richard the 24. December, but they got stuck in New York, and had to celebrate their Christmas on a Hotel in the centre.
They arrived the next day, but their bags did not. Sad for us too, as our «christmas present» was in those bags, Norwegian chocolate, milk chocolate! We have found very little chocolate in Mexico that we like.. And we were reeeeeaaaallly looking forward to having some for Christmas.
They had a very hard time trying to find some information about where the bags were.. Nobody knew anything, and I think they were pretty fed up in the end..
With Elin & Richard we went driving around the Island, drove by the Rooneys that were visiting the Island and together with them we went looking for seashells, which we found MANY of!
We rented a Golf Car and had a nice look at the scenery, the beautiful houses, the iguanas, and went to the most Eastern part of Mexico, which just happens to be on Isla Mujeres. We also took a nice trip to Cancun and ate some good grub at Hard Rock Cafe Cancùn (cool place!)
We also went diving, and saw nice corals, some cool fish, and even went to visit the caves of the sleeping shark.. We only found one shark though, but i was a cool dive anyway! Lots of corals, caves and weird fish everywhere! Merethe got a little tan while she was there too! :P
Elin & Richard went to Tulum to check out the ruins, we decided to stay home as we have to save money, can't waste it all the first month here.
They had booked a trip to Chichen Itza the next day, and luckily for them, as they could not get back to Isla Mujeres, as a small storm was brewing, and the winds were crazy! The ferry did not cross for 1,5 days, and we felt like we were on a deserted island as we heard the wind howling outside, seeing the palm trees, and then we lost power on the entire island for a few hours.. It was cool! I think I am falling in love with this island!
New Years eve was celebrated with a nice dinner at Olivia and then a little private party on our roof!
Richard wanted a tattoo while he was here, and we found a tatoo parlour in the back of a shop which looked like it was at least halfway decent..
Check out the tattoo!
It looked like it hurt a little, but thats just how it is supposed to be! Gotta suffer a little to gain a little! :)
The day before they were leaving we decided to take the girls to the dolphinarium on the island, and to say the least, they had a great time! I will try to post the video here, but despues (later)
I got a lot of great pictures, and Merethe bought some there as well..
The dolphinarium is not cheap, she ended up paying 2600 pesos for the «royal» package which included being pushed by your feet by the dolpins, dolphin tow, handshake, dolphin kiss, and some more stuff, then the photo/video package.. It`s not cheap, but it`s something she'll remember!
Flying dolphins?
While Elin & Richard's two weeks was over, they had to go back home, and on the final day, they got their bags finally! They got them on the airport when they were checking in for the flight home..
So we did not get any chocolate for christmas :(
Terrible stuff!
We have been meeting people from Guanajuato here all the time lately, Merethe met some nice people while she was horsebackriding in GTO, and many of these went on to Isla Mujeres and were still there when we arrived!
Gustavo is a suavè guy from Mexico City, he works in a bar and is better in Spanish than English :)
Then we have the Israeli`s that were everywhere!
And ofcourse Hallgeir that was here and made the Island a little more bright! A good guy from Bergen, Norway
After a few days, on the 8. January our next visitor arrived, Ursula!
This is a girl that likes to party, and we had a hard time following her around! :)
We had some good days on the beach, and have been around the island looking at the sights, the shores, and ofcourse the iguanas that are everywhere on Isla!
We thought it would be a fun thing to buy a piñata for new years, but we never got around to whacking it.. Then we decided to have a party at our apartment to kill it!'
We suddenly had a lot of guests, and had a great time trying to fool each other with where it was..
I accidentally broke my devilstick while we where whacking around :( I'll guess I have to buy myself a new one then..
On the 15. January my mother arrived in Cancùn and we've been very busy while she is here...
Lots of stuff to show and to do!
We went together with them to Chichen Itza again, but this time the tour was not as exciting.
The tourguide we had this time was not as interesting.. This guy just had cheap jokes, little knowledge and was just full of crap. He did not tell us about half of the stuff that our favourite, George from bus #32 did! We were a little disappointed, as we hoped Ursula and mom could get the same cool experience we had when we were at Chichen Itza.
She decided to get a tattoo as well.. A nice hawaiian flower around her ancle
Ursula wanted to swim with the dolphins, so we went with her there, and got some good pictures.
A little more windy this day!
Other than our experiences, the beaches, bars and restaurants are where we have been hanging out.
Especially this nice place called Comono (placed in the shopping street) is a cool place to be.
The couple that runs the place are very nice, and the food is great! They also have hookah's (water pipes) and wireless internet! So most of the time that is where I am posting to my blog from. (not that it has been so many updates while I have been here)
Oh! And I got myself a new tattoo as well!
I was inspired by The Da Vinci Code, and just love this motive!
Earth, Air, Fire, Water is what it says, even if you turn it upside down. It is already healed and looks great I think!
Merethe got a new piercing on her lower lip, and I think she looks great with it!
What we are doing next is leaving to Havana, Cuba 10 days, then going to Montego bay, Jamaica a week and then back to Cancùn and Isla Mujeres..
I hope I did not bore you to death with this update, I will try updating more often, it is just harder when I do not have internet in my apartment. I hope that will change! :P
Oh.. And if this post seems messy it is because i had to slap this together while listening to Merethe and my mother talking in the background.. Sorry! :p
We have big plans here.. I will reveal nothing until it is 100% certain..
Viva Mexico!
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