The talk is over.. Now it`s time for action!
I have been waiting a long time for this, and now it`s only 25 days until I`m leaving!
Plans have been made, and now everything is getting closer and closer to our departure date.
Reservations have been made, tickets are booked, new passports ordered and we are ready!
17. August 2007 is when I take off from Kristiansand, Norway and first fly to London, UK then off to Mexico City, Mexico and from there to Leon, which is just about 30 minutes from Guanajuato, where we`ll be living for the next few months
My friend Heidi has been studying there for a while now and has been bragging about this place a long while, and when I finally got my shit together, I had some money left..
I could use the money to buy a new flat, and be bored in Norway.. oooor.. I could just travel the world with it, and make it an adventure I`ll never forget!
Anyway.. My friend has set me and Merethe (my gf) up with an apartment there, so we have a cheap place to live, and both me and Merethe have applied to the Spanish Classes in Universidad de Guanajuato and we were both accepted! Oh joy! :D
So our plan is :
Move to Guanajuato, Mexico
Study Spanish, and maybe learn something..
Enjoy ourselves (this goes without saying)
Make lots of new friends
Check out the tourist sites, and the not so touristy sites..
(not get robbed)
Scubadive as much as possible
Meet up with some of my Norwegian friends near Cancun around Christmas for a few weeks.
Travel to Jamaica
Travel to Cuba

Travel to Usa (maybe)

The good thing is we have at least 7.5 months before our ticket runs out, and even better, we have a good budget, so if we play our "cards" right we`ll be able to stay much longer!
So here is the million Peso question..
Do YOU know of any places we should visit while in Mexico, Jamaica, Cuba or the states?
Please, pretty please, with sugar on top..
Tell us? mail or comment! :D
We`ll be posting pictures both here and on facebook for those of you who know us! :)
Here is some information on the different places we`re going!
Will be updating this as time goes by :)
(Thank you Wikipedia)

Guanajuato was founded as a town in 1554
and received the designation as a city in 1741. It is located in one of the richest silver mining areas of Mexico, and is well known for its wealth of fine colonial era Spanish architecture.The name "Guanajuato" comes from the Tarascan (P'urhépecha) word, "Quanax-juato", which means "place of frogs".
The city was originally built over the Guanajuato River, which flowed through tunnels underneath the city. However, after years of raising buildings to accommodate repeated flooding, in the mid-twentieth century, engineers built a dam and redirected the river into underground caverns. The tunnels were lit and paved with cobblestones for automobile traffic, and this underground road network carries the majority of cars driving through the city today. It is one of the most noticeable features of the city.
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