The sun is shining once again in Guanajuato!

So now we have been able to enjoy our roof some more! :)

Hopefully our high tech rain protection device that our landlord, Uncle Freddy installed will hold the rain out of our flat! :p
High tech stuff!
We are still looking for other alternatives regarding an apartment, but for now its ok while the sun is shining!

So now we have been able to enjoy our roof some more! :)

to hang the decorations up.. I don't believe they like stressing with anything.. Always do things so they have plenty of time! :) But it`s nice! People are already starting to get into the partymood and we are looking forward to partying as crazy when the day finally arrives!

Easy! Just post a skull near the power towers, and nobody will be stupid enough to touch anything nearby.. The wires stick out like there's no tomorrow, so I try avoiding these towers as much as I can.. Damn! :p

But hey.. Life is good! :D

I think he's a role model for all wealthy people!
Keep up the good work!

The next day someone asked me if I was feeling ill, since I looked so pale.. hehe.. This only means MORE TIME ON OUR ROOF! I need to get some colour on my pale body! :D

We went in and found a really nice restaurant hidden away here!

Notice the hands? hehe!
Oh! Nora, Mike's daughter took this picture! She'll be a good photographer one day! :)

Great food! Great prices! Great service! :)

I've spent a couple of hours in front of "my only friend" much to Merethes dislike! :p
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